Collier County 4-H's mission is to create supportive environments for diverse youth and adults to reach their fullest potential. Join us in making the best better!

Friday, November 4, 2011

SW Florida Yard and Garden Show 2011

2011 SW Florida Yard and Garden Show

It was a rainy weekend, but that didn’t stop many people from coming to do community service. The show must go on was the theme. So thanks for coming to help under such wet conditions.

It was amazing to see the youth volunteer. As many of you know people try to tip the youth at this event. I was so proud of them. They tried to explain that they were doing this for community service and could not take a tip. But people really wanted them to take the money. The neat part was they turned in theirtips. I was so pleased to see their reaction. The money went two places, either to the 4-HFoundation or the Collier County 4-H Livestock Show. It is truly rewarding to give after you havehelped others. I am so proud.

Thanks go to the following clubs for coming out to our huge volunteer weekend:
Outback Neighbors, Estate Bears, Hoof Beats, Corkscrew, Swampers, Gulf Gators, Sew It Seams, and Carol from the Collier CountyFoundation.

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