Collier County 4-H's mission is to create supportive environments for diverse youth and adults to reach their fullest potential. Join us in making the best better!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Officer Training
Officer Training will be held on October 14th at 6:30 p.m. If you hold an office in your club or if you are interested in learning what is involved in holding an office, this is a great training to attend.

Remember the Yard and Garden show on on October the 30 an 31. We need 4-H youth to volunteer to carry plants to the cars for people, and we could use help in our 4-H booth.

Swine weigh-in for the 4-H Livestock show is this Saturday, I hope everyone has their pig.

Steer weigh-in for the Collier County Fair is on October 15th from 6:00-8:00p.m.

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