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Friday, July 9, 2010

Important Message from Polk County!

From: Carlisle, Bridget
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 4:04 PM
Subject: Mosquito-Borne Disease Advisory Issued For Polk County


Two Recent Cases of Eastern Equine Encephalitis Confirmed

According to a press release issued by the Polk County Health Department, two horses have recently died and tested positive for Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), a mosquito-borne disease. “The horses were found in the rural outskirts of Lake Wales and Frostproof in southeast Polk County. No human cases of mosquito borne illnesses have been reported in Polk County this year. However, the risk of transmission to humans is possible. This virus can cause mild to severe symptoms in humans including a serious brain infection.”

Horses can be vaccinated for the disease, however a vaccine is not yet available for humans. Residents are urged to follow certain precautions to avoid exposure to mosquitoes.

The Health Department suggests the following steps:

· Avoid being outdoors at dusk and dawn.

· Wear clothing that covers skin.

· Use repellents that contain up to 30 percent DEET.

· Rid your home and property of standing water.

· Repair torn screens.

In horses, EEE is a viral disease that affects the central nervous system and is transmitted by infected mosquitoes. Signs of the virus include fever, listlessness, stumbling, circling, coma and usually death. The disease is fatal in horses in 90% of the cases.

A majority of cases can be prevented through proper vaccinations and booster shots against mosquito borne illnesses. Horse owners should take action now to prevent transmission of the disease.

Bridget Carlisle

Extension Agent II - Livestock

UF/IFAS Polk County Extension

(863) 519-8677 x104 office

(863) 797-5108 cell

Mosquito-Borne Disease Advisory Issued For Polk County

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The health department reminds residents and visitors to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes that may cause encephalitis disease. Polk County Mosquito Control and the health department continue surveillance and prevention efforts and encourage everyone to take basic precautions to help limit exposure.

To protect yourself from mosquitoes, you should remember to practice the “5 D’s” and “1 S”:

Dusk and Dawn – Avoid being outdoors when mosquitoes are seeking blood.
Dress – Wear clothing that covers most of your skin.
DEET – When the potential exists for exposure to mosquitoes, repellents containing up to 30 percent DEET (N, N-diethyl-meta-toluamide) are recommended.
Drainage – Check around your home to rid the area of standing water, where mosquitoes lay eggs.
Screens – Repair any torn screens to prevent mosquitoes from entering the home.

Other effective repellants are picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, and IR3535. Always read label directions carefully for the approved usage before you apply a repellent. Some repellents are not suitable for children.

Tips on Eliminating Mosquito Breeding Sites
Elimination of breeding sites is one of the keys to prevention.

Clean out eaves, troughs and gutters.
Remove old tires or drill holes in those used in playgrounds to drain.
Turn over or remove empty plastic pots.
Pick up all beverage containers and cups.
Check tarps on boats or other equipment that may collect water.
Pump out bilges on boats.
Replace water in birdbaths and pet or other animal feeding dishes at least once a week.
Change water in plant trays, including hanging plants, at least once a week.
Remove vegetation or obstructions in drainage ditches that prevent the flow of water.
Horse owners should contact their veterinarian for information on vaccination of horses against mosquito borne diseases. For more information on mosquito-borne illnesses, visit the Department of Health’s Environmental Health Web site at, or call the Disease Outbreak Hotline at 1-888-880-5782.

For additional information, contact Polk County Mosquito Control at (863) 534-7377.

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